Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Future over so many Presents.......

Why is it that we are never happy with what we have .... why is it that we strive for something bigger and better All the time...
Why is it that we never learn to say Enough...
Why is it we have soo many needs and wants.... Why are we never satiated.... When will we reach the saturation point?

Are these questions only in my MIND.... does anyone else get bothered by such things... Maybe Yes!... Maybe others have other better things rather than sit and ponder over such issues!

Its a boring Tuesday afternoon... I am siitng alone in my small little messy hostel room... listening to music and thinking... Why?
Why am I doing this... Maybe I just have too much free time in my hand... Not that I don't have anything else better to do... Infact I do... I just don't feel up to it.
See what am I doing here.... I am not valuing TIME.

In future when I will maybe have things to do as in... earn a living, meet targets, stick to a routine, meet commitments, etc etc... Maybe then I will wish that I had more time in my hands and maybe I will look back to these days when I didnt value what I had.
Yes the realisation will come but a bit too late dont you think...

I just mentioned time as one of the major examples... but yes this holds true for plenty of other things in life...

Value time, money, people, places, era, food, trends, success, everything while it lasts...!

When at home we tend to take certain things for granted... for example parents.... I dont mean to sound preachy or anything but Seriously when I got the chance to stay away from them I was happy... didnt realise that was going to be temporary.... small things from getting Hot and Fresh food ready for you to the fresh and crisp laundry to the clean surrounding which I littered carelessly ...now I look around and I think that I should have appreciated...
Some old friends that I have now lost touch with... and I sit back and reminisce the old memoirs and also the fact that how self absorbed I have become that I didnt really stay in touch coz I thought I had better and bigger things to do!

Rather than enjoying the moment that we live in... we are caught up in anticipating what the next big thing might me... No one sits back, takes a deep breath and enjoy ... Reason... its a fast moving highly competitive world and if you take a break.... you are soo out of the league...!

Shouldnt this Change? 

1 comment:

  1. 1. The need to please others
    2. Family & social pressure
    3. Most people are broken in some way with a hole in their heart, which they try to fill with more
    4. Preparation
    5. Jealousy
    6. Boredom

    Most of these happen subconsciously..
